Liberty Intermediate (2024)

Liberty Intermediate (1)

The Bourbonnais PTA is holding an online auction to raise money for teachers and students. The auction will feature many items, privileges, services, parties and gift cards. Visit this link for more information and a link to the online auction:

over 2 years ago, Director of Technology

Liberty Intermediate (2)

Congratulations to the 2022 Boy's Track & Field Team. The first practice will be on Monday, March 7th from 3-4:30 at BUGC. The Girl's Track & Field team will be posted on Monday night. 65667073757677787980818310811111787881091151168990919293949596979899100101102103110113119128129130131132

over 2 years ago, Andrew Burton

Liberty Intermediate (3)

It was a Happy Twosday (2/22/22) in Mrs. Brammer’s Fourth Grade ELA/Social Studies Classes! The students marked this historic date by predicting what their lives would look like at age 22, working with the hom*ophones "to", "too", and "two", learning about the prefix "bi", brainstorming famous food pairs like "burgers and fries", and playing tic-tac-toe in pairs. An extra bonus was chewing "Double Bubble" bubble gum as they participated in the activities!

over 2 years ago, Krystal Tezak

Liberty Intermediate (4)

Liberty Intermediate (5)

Liberty Intermediate (6)

Liberty Intermediate (7)

Liberty Intermediate (8)

Liberty - Mrs. Rozak's ELA classes had the honor of having a Q and A session with author and speaker, Mr. Ron Kirkwood ( from York, Pennsylvania) today. His book, Too Much for Human Endurance, is a detailed and well-researched study of The George Spangler Farm Hospitals and the role this location played in the outcome of the Civil War. Mr. Kirkwood is always impressed with what our students bring to the discussion and is a big fan of our current ELA unit, America in Conflict. We thank him for visiting our Liberty students again this year!

over 2 years ago, Krystal Tezak

Liberty Intermediate (13)

BESD Families,Due to the inclement weather, BESD53 schools will be closed with a Snow Day on Friday, February 18th. Our District E-Learning Plan only allows for one consecutive day of E-Learning, so tomorrow will be a Snow Day. Thank you!

over 2 years ago, Director of Technology

Liberty Intermediate (14)

BESD Families,For safety precautions, BESD53 will utilize an E-Learning day on Thursday, February 17th. With the continued threat and timing of the winter storm warning, all schools will be closed tomorrow but students will continue their learning at home in accordance with our District E-Learning Plan. Again, BESD53 will utilize an E-Learning day tomorrow, February 17th. Thank you!

over 2 years ago, Director of Technology

Liberty Intermediate (15)

Trenton and Cameron have been working extra hard and it is paying off! Their participation and work ethic is outstanding and we are so proud of them!

over 2 years ago, Marissa Maciejewski

Liberty Intermediate (16)

Liberty Intermediate (17)

Congrats to Emma for earning the MVP Office Referral. She has made outstanding progress this year because she is a very hard worker! Her work ethic sets an example for her peers and we are so proud of her! Keep up the great work!

over 2 years ago, Marissa Maciejewski

Liberty Intermediate (18)

Liberty Intermediate (19)

Landon, Faith, and Bailey did an excellent job on their Alice in Wonderful book reports and presentations. They were all so creative and thoughtful in their analysis. Keep up the good work!

over 2 years ago, Marissa Maciejewski

Liberty Intermediate (20)

Liberty Intermediate (21)

Dear BESD #53 Families and Staff,We are aware that there have been recent court cases and verdicts regarding face masking, exclusions, and other related topics. These verdicts have clearly impacted about 145 School Districts across the state in the past 48 hours. BESD #53 was not listed in these cases. BESD #53 already had a scheduled Special Board Meeting for Tuesday at 7:00 pm for possible School Board Action on Masking. Many of the concerns presented in the new rulings will be considered on Tuesday night by the Board of Education. Sincerely, Dr. Adam EhrmanSuperintendent, Bourbonnais Elementary School District #53

over 2 years ago, Director of Technology

Liberty Intermediate (22)

District Lunch Change for Tuesday, February 8th. Lunch will be pretzel and cheese in place of pancakes. Thank you!

over 2 years ago, Krystal Tezak

Liberty Intermediate (23)

The Special Board Meeting that was scheduled for tonight, February 3rd at 7:00 pm, has been cancelled.

over 2 years ago, Director of Technology

Liberty Intermediate (24)

Dear BESD #53 Families,Due to the inclement weather tomorrow, February 3rd, there will be a “Snow Day” for students so no school and enjoy the snow!

over 2 years ago, Director of Technology

Liberty Intermediate (25)

Due to the inclement weather, Bourbonnais Elementary School District #53 will be closed tomorrow February 3rd. We will be utilizing a Snow Day which will be made up at the end of the year.

over 2 years ago, Director of Technology

Liberty Intermediate (26)

Due to the inclement weather, Bourbonnais Elementary School District #53 will not be in normal attendance tomorrow February 2nd. Instead we will be utilizing an E-Learning/Learn from Anywhere day.

over 2 years ago, Director of Technology

Liberty Intermediate (27)

Attention Liberty Parent/Guardian, As a member of your child’s learning team, your feedback is valuable to us. We have only reached 21% completion percentage for parent feedback on our 5 Essentials Survey. Our goal is constant improvement that impacts the growth of the whole child. Your feedback will provide Liberty Administration and Bourbonnais Elementary School District 53 withinformation that we useto make improvements within our school and district.Link for parents to take the survey:

over 2 years ago, Bret Pignatiello

Liberty Intermediate (28)

Mrs. Matson's and Mr. McDaniel's 5th Grade ELA classes celebrated the end of their Wordplay Module today by having a Wordplay Parade. Students chose an idiom to represent and then got to parade around to other classes. It was an exciting Play-on-Words Day!

over 2 years ago, Krystal Tezak

Liberty Intermediate (29)

Liberty Intermediate (30)

Liberty Intermediate (31)

Liberty Intermediate (32)

Liberty Intermediate (33)

Liberty Robotics Schedule

over 2 years ago, Krystal Tezak

Liberty Intermediate (34)

Liberty Intermediate (35)

Such an amazing food drive! Students worked really hard helping our community! Mr. Rob dressed like a tiger, Mr. Burton had to hold a snake and Mr. Pignatiello and Mrs. Maciejewski had to sing a duet! Liberty donated 3,555 food items! Have a great winter break and we will see you January 3rd!

over 2 years ago, Krystal Tezak

Liberty Intermediate (36)

Liberty Intermediate (37)

Liberty Intermediate (38)

Liberty Intermediate (39)

Liberty Intermediate (40)

The Liberty music department has been rocking it over the last couple of weeks. Clarinet players from Liberty and BUGC performed for the Village of Bourbonnais inaugural tree lighting event. They brought Holiday cheer as Bourbonnais community members enjoyed this brand new experience! We also had our winter Band, Orchestra and Choir performances. These musically talented Tigers did an amazing job performing for the first time in well over a year.

over 2 years ago, Bret Pignatiello

Liberty Intermediate (41)

Liberty Intermediate (42)

Liberty Intermediate (43)

Liberty Intermediate (44)

Liberty Intermediate (2024)


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Overview of Liberty High School

Liberty High School is ranked 56th within Texas. Students have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement® coursework and exams.

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Liberty High School is ranked #4,810 in the National Rankings.

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Liberty University is ranked #395-435 out of 439 National Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

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Liberty High School 2024 Rankings

Liberty High School is ranked #7,607 in the National Rankings.

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School for the Talented & Gifted

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Discover the incredible features of Allen High School, one of the largest in the US, located in Texas. From a mall-like cafeteria to a student-run restaurant, and a colossal football stadium, this high school will amaze you!

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.