Love Interest (Concept) - Comic Vine (2025)

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    Love Interest (Concept) - Comic Vine (1)

    Concept » Love Interest appears in 199 issues.

    A love interest is a theme or subsidiary plot character who provides a romantic storyline to the central character.

    Short summary describing this concept.

    Love Interest appears in 199 issues
    View all
    • The New Teen Titans 17 appearances
    • Chaos Campus: Sorority Girls Vs. Zombies 10 appearances
    • Batman 9 appearances
    • Detective Comics 9 appearances

    Love Interest last edited by RazielWraith on 11/22/22 06:51PM View full history


    Love Interest (Concept) - Comic Vine (6)

    The idea of a 'love interest' in which the state of one character in a story finds romantic feelings towards another character In the story. The love interest has developed strong romantic or platonic feelings usually towards the main character in the plot. Love interests can also deliver ongoing story plots devises at times taking years to develop into a true relationship. Frequently unrequited love has turned into some iconic pairings such as Superman and Lois Lane. As a theme it has been a frequent subject in popular culture in comics.

    A few of the most well-known love interests in the pages of comics are in the following list.

    • John Carter and Dejah Thoris
    • Kent Allard and Margo Lane
    • Conan and Zenobia
    • Kit Walker and Diana Palmer
    • Dick Tracy and Tess Trueheart
    • Flash Gordon and Dale Arden
    • Clark Kent and Diana Prince
    • Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle
    • Barry Allen and Iris West
    • Arthur Curry and Mera
    • Reed Richards and Sue Storm
    • Katar Hol and Shayera Hol
    • Black Bolt and Medusa
    • Peter Parker and Mary Jane-Watson
    • Scott Summers and Jean Grey
    • Remy LeBeau and Anna Marie
    • Bruce Banner and Betty Ross
    • Thor and Sif
    • Hawkeye and Mockingbird
    • Snake-Eyes and Scarlett
    • Flint and Lady Jaye
    • Destro and Baroness
    • Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon
    • Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance
    • Captain America and Diamondback
    • Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff
    • Cliff Secord and Betty
    • Guy Gardner and Ice
    • Yō Hinomura and Emu Hino
    • Ryu and Chun-Li
    • Han Solo and Leia Organa-Solo
    • Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade
    • He-Man and Teela
    • Tigatron and Airazor
    • Egon Spengler and Janine Melnitz
    • Casey Jones and April O'Neil
    • Eric Draven and Shelly Webster
    • Jackie Estacado and Jenny Romano
    • Ripclaw and Velocity
    • Jen and Kira
    • Spartan and Voodoo
    • Grifter and Zealot
    • Victor Fries and Nora Fries
    • General Zod and Ursa
    • Chamber and Jubilee




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    Love Interest (Concept) - Comic Vine (7)

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      Love Interest (Concept) - Comic Vine (2025)
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      Author: Annamae Dooley

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      Views: 5808

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      Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

      Author information

      Name: Annamae Dooley

      Birthday: 2001-07-26

      Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

      Phone: +9316045904039

      Job: Future Coordinator

      Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

      Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.