Path of Radiance Item Descriptions (2024)

Internal name
ALONDITEA unique sword imbued with great hidden
strength. Only the Black Knight can wield it. Vantage
AMBUSHAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Vantage when you're at a base. Seraph Robe
ANGELROBEA magic item that increases the
user's maximum HP. Wrath
ANGERAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Wrath when you're at a base. Archer Band
ARCHERSRINGAn armlet that, when equipped, alters

the direction of a level upgrade.

It contains the essence of an archer. Heavy Spear
ARMORBREAKA lance for use against armored foes. It is
especially effective against generals and knights. Armourslayer
ARMORKILLERA sword for use against armored foes. It is
especially effective against generals and knights. Knight Band
ARMORSRINGAn armlet that, when equipped, alters

the direction of a level upgrade.

It contains the essence of a knight. Rexaura
AURAThe highest level of light magic. Mastery is
quite difficult, but it is devastatingly powerful. Short Spear
AXEBASTERA lance of especially light construction.
It can also be thrown at distant enemies. Laguz Axe
BEASTAXEAn axe designed for use against demihumans.
It does increased damage against laguz. Resolve
BLAVEAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Resolve when you're at a base. Blizzard
BLIZZARDLong-range wind magic. Although it is difficult
to master, it can strike enemies from afar. Blue Gem
BLUEGEMA valuable gemstone. It can
be sold for a high price. Statue Frag
BODYRINGA magic item that increases
the user's build. Bolganone
BOLGANONEHigh-level fire magic. It's very difficult to
master, but it bears much destructive strength. Boots
BOOTSA magic item that increases
the user's movement. Brave Axe
BRAVEAXEA very difficult axe to use, but its wielder
can attack twice in a single round. Brave Bow
BRAVEBOWA very difficult bow to use, but its wielder
can attack twice in a single round. Brave Lance
BRAVELANCEA very difficult lance to use, but its wielder
can attack twice in a single round. Brave Sword
BRAVESWORDA very difficult sword to use, but its wielder
can attack twice in a single round. Practice Axe
BRONZEAXEAn axe used for training. It deals no real
damage, and it does not wear down with use. Trainer
BRONZESWORDA sword used for training. It deals no real
damage, and it does not wear down with use. Claw
CATNAILRazor-sharp cat claws. They never wear out
and cannot be unequipped or dropped. Demi Band
CHANGERINGA band that, when equipped, allows its wearer

to maintain animal form at all times. All

abilities are slightly lower while using the band. Laguz Band
CHANGERING2A band that, when equipped, allows its wearer

to maintain animal form at all times. Abilities

are not affected. For laguz nobles only. Laguz Stone
CHANGESTONEAn item that allows a laguz to remain in
animal form. Coin
COINA golden coin used for currency. It can be
exchanged for exactly one gold. Adept
CONTINUATIONAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Adept when you're at a base. Counter
COUNTERAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Counter when you're at a base. Amiti
CRIMEASWORDElincia's royal Crimean sword.
Allows her to strike twice per turn. Beak
CROWBEAKThe fierce beak of a raven. It never wears out
and cannot be unequipped or dropped. Dagger
DAGGERA more powerful combat knife. Guard
DEFENCEAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Guard when you're at a base. Full Guard
DELPHISHIELDAn item that, when equipped, negates any
bonus damage a weapon might have dealt. Antitoxin
DETOXDRUGA draught that neutralizes the effects
of poison when consumed. Devil Axe
DEVILAXEA cursed axe. It is very powerful, but there is
a chance that it will harm its wielder. Door Key
DOORKEYA key that unlocks doors. None
DRAGONAXEAn axe designed to deal increased damage
against wyvern-mounted warriors. Wyrmslayer
DRAGONKILLERA sword designed to deal increased damage
against wyvern-mounted warriors. Wyvern Band
DRAGONKNIGHTSRINGAn armlet that, when equipped, alters

the direction of a level upgrade.

It contains the essence of a wyvern rider. Laguz Lance
DRAGONRANCEA lance designed for use against demihumans.
It does increased damage against laguz. Dracoshield
DRAGONSHIELDA magic item that increases
the user's defense. Elfire
ELFIREMid-level fire magic. It is somewhat difficult to
master, but it deals a fair amount of damage. Paragon
ELITEAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Paragon when you're at a base. Elixir
ELIXIRA potent potion that restores
all HP when consumed. Elthunder
ELTHUNDERMid-level lightning magic. It is difficult to
master, but it deals a fair amount of damage. Elwind
ELWINDMid-level wind magic. It is somewhat difficult to
master, but it deals a fair amount of damage. Occult
ESOTERICAn item that allows characters to acquire
different skills depending on their class. Parity
FAIRNESSAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Parity when you're at a base. Fighter Band
FIGHTERSRINGAn armlet that, when equipped, alters

the direction of a level upgrade.

It contains the essence of a warrior. Rexcalibur
FIMBULVETRThe highest level of wind magic. Mastery is
quite difficult, but it is devastatingly powerful. Fire
FIRELow-level fire magic. It is simple to master, but
it possesses little destructive power. Rexflame
FORBLAZEThe highest level of fire magic. Mastery is
quite difficult, but it is devastatingly powerful. Flame Lance
FRAMELANCEA magic lance. Its attacks deal magical,
rather than physical, damage. Gamble
GAMBLEAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Gamble when you're at a base. Ashera Icon
GODDESSICONA magic item that increases
the user's luck. Ashera Staff
GODDESSRODA staff that restores all HP to all allied units,
as well as restoring their conditions to normal. Nihil
GRASPAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Nihil when you're at a base. Gurgurant
GURGURANTA mighty sword that only Ashnard, king
of Daein, can wield. Hammer
HAMMERAn axe for use against armored foes. It is
especially effective against generals and knights. Hammerne
HAMMERNEA staff that restores an item to its
maximum durability. Hand Axe
HANDAXEAn axe that can be thrown at distant
enemies. It's a little difficult to wield. Javelin
HANDSPEARA lance that can be thrown at distant
enemies. It's a little difficult to wield. Beak
HAWKBEAKThe fierce beak of a hawk. It never wears out
and cannot be unequipped or dropped. Pure Water
HOLYWATERA phial of blessed water that reduces damage
from magical attacks temporarily. Horrify
HORRORAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Daunt when you're at a base. Longsword
HORSEKILLERA sword designed to deal increased damage
against units mounted on horseback. Ballista
IRONARCHA long-range weapon for use by archers
and snipers. Its range surpasses the ballista. Iron Axe
IRONAXEAn axe possessing high durability but little
power. It is the most common axe. Iron Blade
IRONBLADEA sword with a large, heavy blade. The
weight of the blade gives it good power. Iron Bow
IRONBOWA bow possessing high durability but little
power. It is the most common bow. Iron Lance
IRONLANCEA lance possessing high durability but little
power. It is the most common lance. Iron Sword
IRONSWORDA sword possessing high durability but little
power. It is the most common sword. Torch
JACKLIGHTA stick of resinous wood dipped in pitch. When
used, it lights up an area temporarily. Killer B
KILLERARCHA long-range weapon that has a high
chance of dealing a critical hit. Killer Axe
KILLERAXEAn axe with an unusually high chance of
landing a critical hit. Killer Bow
KILLERBOWA bow with an unusually high chance of
landing a critical hit. Killer Lance
KILLERLANCEA lance with an unusually high chance of
landing a critical hit. Killing Edge
KILLSWORDA sword with an unusually high chance of
landing a critical hit. Knife
KNIFEA light and easy-to-wield combat knife. Knight Killer KNIGHTKILLERA lance designed to deal increased damage
against units mounted on horseback. Knight Ring
KNIGHTRINGAn item that, when equipped, allows the wearer
a second movement, as with cavalry. Knight Ward
KNIGHTSHIELDA magic item that, when equipped, raises


For use by soldiers, knights, and paladins only. Light
LIGHTNINGLow-level light magic. It is simple to master,
but it possesses little destructive power. Bright Bow
LIGHTNINGBOWAn arcane bow that uses magic,
not strength, to attack. Claw
LIONNAILRazor-sharp lion claws. They never wear out
and can never be unequipped or dropped. Heal
LIVEA staff that restores 10 HP plus the wielder's
Mg (converted to HP) to a target unit. Rolf's Bow
LOFABOWA special bow designed to help Rolf master
archery. Only Rolf can wield it. Long B
LONGARCHA long-range weapon for use by archers
and snipers. Longbow
LONGBOWA yew-hewn bow of above-average size. It
can hit enemies at great distances. Double Bow
LONGLONGBOWA unique bow made by a master craftsman.
It's powerful but difficult to wield. Regal Sword
LONGSWORDThe sword Ike received from his father. It's
light and easy to wield. Only Ike can wield it. Mage Band
MAGESRINGAn armlet that, when equipped, alters

the direction of a level upgrade.

It contains the essence of a mage. Spirit Dust
MAGICRINGA magic item that increases
the user's magic power. Master Seal
MASTERPROOFAn item that allows units of level ten or
higher to upgrade classes. Meteor
METEORLong-range fire magic. Although it is difficult
to master, it can strike enemies from afar. Rexbolt
MJOLNIRThe highest level of lightning magic. Mastery is
quite difficult, but it is devastatingly powerful. Ward
MSHIELDA staff that strengthens a unit's magic
resistance for a short while. Onager
ONAGERA long-range, stone-throwing siege weapon
with a wide area of effect. Pegasus Band
PEGASUSKNIGHTSRINGAn armlet that, when equipped, alters

the direction of a level upgrade.

It contains the essence of a pegasus knight. Venin Axe
POISONAXEAn axe whose blade conceals a poison
reservoir. Units hit with this will be poisoned. Venin Bow
POISONBOWA bow that fires poison arrows. A unit hit
by it will be poisoned. Venin Lance
POISONLANCEA lance whose blade conceals a poison
reservoir. Units hit with this will be poisoned. Venin Edge
POISONSWORDA sword whose blade conceals a poison
reservoir. Units hit with this will be poisoned. Poleax
POLEAXEAn axe designed to deal increased damage
against units mounted on horseback. Energy Drop
POWERRINGA magic item that increases
the user's strength. Miracle
PRAYAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Miracle when you're at a base. Priest Band
PRIESTSRINGAn armlet that, when equipped, alters

the direction of a level upgrade.

It contains the essence of a priest. Provoke
PROVOKEAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Provoke when you're at a base. Purge
PURGELong-range light magic. It is difficult to
master, but it can strike enemies from afar. Ragnell
RAGNELLA sword consecrated to oppose Alondite.
Only Ike can wield it. Laguzslayer
RANCEBASTERA sword designed for use against demihumans.
It does increased damage against laguz. None
RAPIERA thin sword favored by royalty. Its narrow tip
easily penetrates armor, causing great damage. Physic
REBLOWA staff that restores 10 HP plus the wielder's
Mg (converted to HP) to a unit 5 spaces away. Recover
RECOVERA staff that restores all HP to a target unit. Breath
REDBREATHThe fiery breath of a red dragon. It never
runs out and cannot be unequipped or dropped. Red Gem
REDGEMA moderately valuable gemstone.
It can be sold for a decent price. Mend
RELIVEA staff that restores 20 HP plus the wielder's
Mg (converted to HP) to a target unit. Rescue
RESCUEA staff that teleports allied units to
a space near the wielder. Savior
RESCUEPAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Savior when you're at a base. Fortify
RESERVEA staff that heals all surrounding allied units. Nosferatu
RESIREHigh-level light magic. The spell caster
receives as much HP as the spell inflicts. Restore
RESTA staff that restores a unit to normal condition. None
ROBBERSKEYLock pick - under construction Runesword
RUNESWORDA magic sword that restores HP to the wielder
in the amount of half of the damage it inflicts. Secret Book
SECRETBOOKA magic item that increases
the user's skill. Shade
SHADEAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Shade when you're at a base. Shine
SHINEMid-level light magic. It is somewhat difficult to
master, but it deals a fair amount of damage. Laguz Bow
SHORTBOWA bow designed for use against demihumans.
It does increased damage against laguz. Silence
SILENCEA staff that prevents enemies from using magic.
Minimum range is 5 spaces. Silver Axe
SILVERAXEAn axe with an incredibly sharp edge. It is
difficult to wield and expensive to purchase. Silver Blade
SILVERBLADEA high-priced sword of high power.
It's large, heavy, and difficult to wield. Silver Bow
SILVERBOWA high-priced bow of high power. It is
expensive and difficult to wield. Silver Card
SILVERCARDA special card that brings the bearer
bargains galore at shops. Silver Lance
SILVERLANCEA high-priced lance of high power.
It's large, heavy, and difficult to wield. Silver Sword
SILVERSWORDA sword with an incredibly sharp edge. It is
difficult to wield and expensive to purchase. Sleep
SLEEPA staff that puts enemy units to sleep for
a short time. Minimum range is 5 spaces. Spear
SLENDERSPEARA refined spear of high power. It can be
thrown at distant enemies. Slim Lance
SLIMLANCEA lightweight lance favored by female fighters.
It's easy to wield but has low power. Slim Lance
SLIMSWORDA lightweight sword favored by female fighters.
It's easy to wield but has low power. Paladin Band
SOCIALKNIGHTSRINGAn armlet that, when equipped, alters

the direction of a level upgrade.

It contains the essence of a paladin. Soldier Band
SOLDIERRINGAn armlet that, when equipped, alters

the direction of a level upgrade.

It contains the essence of a soldier. Bolt Axe
SONICAXEA magic axe. Its attacks deal magical,
rather than physical, damage. Sonic Sword
SONICBLADEA sorcerous blade that uses magic,
not strength, to attack. Speedwing
SPEEDWINGA magic item that increases
the user's speed. Steel Axe
STEELAXEA sturdy axe with a good edge. It is
slightly difficult to wield. Steel Blade
STEELBLADEA sword with a heavy steel blade. It is
large and fairly powerful. Steel Bow
STEELBOWA sturdy bow whose composition makes
it slightly difficult to wield. Steel Lance
STEELLANCEA sturdy lance with a strong head. It is
slightly difficult to wield. Steel Sword
STEELSWORDA sturdy sword with a good edge. It is
slightly difficult to wield. Stiletto
STILETTOThe most powerful combat knife. Short Axe
SWORDBASTERAn axe of especially light construction.
It can be thrown at distant enemies. Sword Band
SWORDERSRINGAn armlet that, when equipped, alters

the direction of a level upgrade.

It contains the essence of a myrmidon. Smite
TACKLE2An item that allows you to acquire the skill
Smite when you're at a base. Smite
TACKLE_2An item that allows you to acquire the skill
Smite when you're at a base. Talisman
TALISMANA magic item that increases
the user's magic resistance. Thief Band
THIEFSRINGAn armlet that, when equipped, alters

the direction of a level upgrade.

It contains the essence of a thief. Thoron
THORONHigh-level lightning magic. It is very difficult to
master, but it bears much destructive strength. Thunder
THUNDERLow-level lightning magic. It is simple to master,
but it possesses little destructive power. Bolting
THUNDERSTORMLong-range lightning magic. It is difficult to
master, but it can strike enemies from afar. Claw
TIGERNAILRazor-sharp tiger claws. They never wear out
and cannot be unequipped or dropped. Tomahawk
TOMAHAWKA well-designed axe of great power. It can
be thrown at distant enemies. Torch
TORCHA staff that burns like a torch, illuminating
an area for a short while. Tornado
TORNADOHigh-level wind magic. It is difficult to master,
but it bears much destructive strength. Chest Key
TREASUREKEYA key that unlocks treasure chests. Renewal
TURNREGENEAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Renewal when you're at a base. Urvan
URVANA unique axe forged by a master craftsman.
It's powerful but difficult to wield. Laguzguard
VSBEASTA magic item that, when equipped, halves the

damage done by laguz attacks.

For use by beorc only. Beorcguard
VSHUMANA magic item that, when equipped, halves the

damage done by beorc attacks.

For use by laguz only. Vulnerary
VULNERARYA potion that restores 10 HP when consumed. Vague Katti
WATOUA unique sword forged by a master craftsman.
It's powerful but difficult to wield. Corrosion
WEAPONDESTROYAn item that allows you to acquire the skill
Corrosion when you're at a base. Arms Scroll
WEAPONDROPAn item that increases the weapon level of
the currently equipped weapon. Breath
WHITEBREATHThe icy breath of a white dragon. It never
runs out and cannot be unequipped or dropped. White Gem
WHITEGEMA very valuable gemstone. It can
be sold for an extremely high price. Wind
WINDLow-level wind magic. It is simple to master,
but it possesses little destructive power. Wishblade
ZANEZPHTEA unique lance forged by a master craftsman.
It's powerful but difficult to wield.
Path of Radiance Item Descriptions (2024)


Who is the spy in Path of Radiance? ›

Path of Radiance

Nasir is first introduced in this game as the captain of a ship sailing under the flag of Begnion. In Chapter 11, he is paid by Gallia to escort the Greil Mercenaries and Princess Elincia safely to Begnion. Nasir is later revealed to be a double agent, working both as a spy for Gallia and Daein.

How many supports can you have in Path of Radiance? ›

A character can only have a maximum of 5 levels of support at once. Possible combinations can include: 1 A and 1 B. 1 A and 2Cs.

What is the story of the Path of Radiance? ›

The story takes place on the fictional continent of Tellius, inhabited by the human Beorc and the shapeshifting Laguz. The game begins when the Beorc nation of Daein invades its neighbor, the kingdom of Crimea. The mercenary Ike and his companions set off to restore Crimea's heir, Princess Elincia, to the throne.

Which is first Path of Radiance or radiant dawn? ›

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is a tactical role-playing game developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for the Wii home console. It is the tenth entry in the Fire Emblem series, and acts as a direct sequel to the 2005 GameCube title Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

Who betrayed Ike? ›

When Nasir later appears before the siblings again, Mist readily forgives him for his actions, giving him little time to explain himself. He later explains that his main reason for betraying Ike's trust was to reunite Ena with her spouse, and joins them for the remainder of the war.

Who killed the radiance? ›

Instead, the Knight transforms into a massive monster made of Void called "Void Given Focus", which grabs Absolute Radiance and effortlessly kills her by slashing at her repetitively with their claws, causing her to shatter into dream essence.

What does luck do in Path of Radiance? ›

Luck (Japanese: 幸運 good luck), abbreviated Lck from Path of Radiance onward and Luk in Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776, is a character stat from all games in the Fire Emblem series. It determines the unit's hit percentage on an enemy, and also decreases the enemy unit's critical hit chance.

How many hours is Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance is about 33 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 43½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How do you recruit ENA in Path of Radiance? ›

Recruitment. Ena will join at the beginning of Chapter 28, only if Ike fails to defeat the Black Knight in Chapter 27. If Ike succeeds in defeating the Black Knight, Ena will accompany the army as an NPC unit, with Nasir joining in her stead.

Is Oscar good in Path of Radiance? ›

Overall, while Oscar is not the most consistent unit, he is still a usable asset to one's team. Compared to other trained gold and silver knights, Oscar is the most frail, with the second lowest defense growth and lowest resistance growth. His speed and skill dwarfs that of characters like Kieran, however.

What does weight do in Path of Radiance? ›

Weight is one of the numerous factors weapons have, affecting how easy it is to use. Most importantly, it has an impact on a character's ability to dodge; larger, heavier weapons and tomes mean that a unit can avoid enemy attacks with less ease.

How does shade work in Path of Radiance? ›

Shade affects the enemy AI and they will generally avoid Ilyana, but there is a limit to it's power. If Ilyana can't counterattack or she'll die in one or two hits, they may still go for her. So basically, she still can't really be exposed to enemies.

Is Path of Radiance worth playing? ›

While the animated cutscenes might not have aged well, Path of Radiance is easily one of the strongest games in a very powerful franchise.

Can you transfer data from Path of Radiance to Radiant Dawn? ›

Notes: FE9 = Path of Radiance, FE10 = Radiant Dawn. To transfer data, you need a GameCube memory card with FE9 clear (Epilogue) data. When you start a new FE10 file, the game should prompt you to choose a cleared FE9 file.

How many years between Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn? ›

Radiant Dawn began in 648, meaning that Path of Radiance ended in 645, and therefore started in 644. Cools, thanks for the correction! It's actually 645 when this game starts. Radiant Dawn does indeed take place in 648 and takes place 3 years after this game, but it's 3 years before the beginning not the end.

Who is the spy Stormlight? ›

Shallan Davar
TitlesThe Lightweaver, The Spy, The One Who is Three, Master Lightweaver
AliasesVeil, Radiant, Swiftspren, little knife, Kishi, Formless, Unulukuak'kina'autu'atai, Chanasha Hasareh
ReligionVorinism (Devotary of Purity)
11 more rows

Who is the main villain in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance? ›

Ashnard, also known as the Mad King, is the 13th King of Daein and the main antagonist of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

Who is the final boss in Path of Radiance? ›

Repatriation is the Endgame of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. The boss of the chapter is the "Mad King" Ashnard. The chapter takes place in the Crimean castle courtyard in which the player battles Daein's remaining soldiers and the final of the Four Riders, Bryce.

Who is Jill's father Path of Radiance? ›

Shiharam, full name Shiharam Fizzart, is the father of Jill and a General in the Daein Army, put under the command of Petrine, one of Daein's Four Riders. With Haar, he left the Begnion Sacred Knights because of the corruption of the Begnion Senate 18 years before the events of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.