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The Aerialbots Were an Awesome Combiner Team
The Joes Could Use Autobot Air Superiority
The Transformers Movies Need More Combiners
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts was a great way to introduce the larger Transformers universe without focusing on the same amount of spectacle as the early Michael Bay movies. Yes, the stakes were high, and the battles were epic, but the balance between a strong story and action was far more evident. Now, fans are just as aware of the Maximals like Optimus Primal and Cheetor as they are with Autobots like Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. As a result, it allowed the movie to introduce characters that were largely unknown to the average fan, such as Stratosphere, the elderly yet still reliable carrier plane Autobot that helped them reach their final battle against Unicron in South America and also fly over a revived Bumblebee to change the tide of battle.
Stratosphere was far from the first flying Transformer in the movies, as Starscream and Jetfire were some of the more popular examples. But showing that little-known characters, let alone a flying Autobot (something that's not been the focus in past movies), proves that the franchise can grow and greatly benefit from more, including the Aerialbots, a beloved Autobot combiner team. The best part is, in a franchise that's largely bereft of combiners on both sides, bringing a team of military plane Autobots is exactly what the franchise needs as the upcoming Transformers/G.I. Joe movie gets closer to theaters. In fact, it could be exactly what the franchise needs to get its groove back.
The Aerialbots Were an Awesome Combiner Team
When fans think of Transformers combiners, the Constructicons are often the first team to come to mind. Being the first combiners and one of the most iconic Decepticons ever, this makes sense, and it's because of how deadly the Constructicons are, it made perfect sense that, eventually, the Autobots would bring in their own team to even the odds. However, in the G1 series, it wasn't Devastator that was a catalyst. Instead, it was the Stunticons that spurned Optimus Prime and the Autobots to create the Aerialbots and finally have a sky-worthy team that could measure up against the Constructicons and even Starscream and his Seekers. But where all the enemy combiners were cocky but a well-oiled machine of a team, the Aerialbots were all different personalities that made things difficult for their leader, Silverbolt.
Aerialbots | Alt-mode |
Silverbolt | Concorde SST |
Air Raid | McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle |
Fireflight | McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II |
Slingshot | British Aerospace Sea Harrier |
Skydive | General Dynamics F-16A Fighting Falcon |
Transformers' Darkest Film Failed an Iconic Villain, But There's Still Hope
The Transformers films' most violent sequel introduced an iconic villain. But even though he was adapted poorly, he could return more faithfully.
Silverbolt was an Autobot who was pushed toward leadership by Prime to deal with his fear of heights. While it would be counterproductive for a flying Autobot to have a fear of heights, it allowed him to shift his fears and focus on protecting his team. But the best part of his leadership was that, because his brothers were so cocky on and off the battlefield, having a leader focused so heavily on teamwork, they were even more efficient than the enemy. This allowed for them to become Superion, the massive combiner bot that was just as powerful as Devastator. Plus, unlike other combiners who somewhat lose their minds from the strain of sharing a body, Superion becomes utterly single-minded, quieting other voices and devoting himself to the mission. It may lead to a quiet and strange hero, but fans can always rely on Superion's loyalty to the Autobot cause. Unfortunately, these characters only really gained popularity in cartoons and comics. But in the case of combiners, the only one that was ever shown on the big screen was Devastator, most famously in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Needless to say, there's a combiner-sized void that has been left in the Transformers movies since 2009, and it's one that a team like the Aerialbots could capitalize on and introduce a brand new group that audiences could connect to.
The Joes Could Use Autobot Air Superiority
When compared to the Transformers, the G.I. Joe brand has never been as popular, though they've lasted much longer in the toy space. That said, a lack of popularity doesn't mean no popularity, as the war between the Joes and Cobra is just as beloved as the Autobots' battle against the Decepticons. Unfortunately, the movie space never showed this as its three films, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, G.I. Joe: Retaliation, and Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins, failed to hit their marks. Nevertheless, the tease of the Joes being in the same world as the Transformers promised something new and exciting, as both franchises have always worked well together. Even the Energon Universe comics knew this so much that the G.I. Joe and Transformers comics stories are reliant on one another. But being a team based on the military, the upcoming crossover film is a great way to give the Aerialbots some proper love.
Transformers 2007 Wasn't Perfect But it Brought Back a Decades-Old Trend
Transformers is a movie that fans remember mostly for its sequels, but the original was groundbreaking for more than one reason.
There are more than a few characters in the G.I. Joe universe who prefer the air over the land, from Ripcord to Wild Bill, but unfortunately,y these characters haven't been explored outside of the cartoons, save for Ripcord, who appeared in a fun aerial battle in the Rise of Cobra movie. Nevertheless, when facing against the likes of Starscream and Cyclonus, it would be nice to have some Autobots that are naturals in the air. Plus, with Cobra utilizing their own jets and helicopters, having the Joes work side by side with the Aerialbots could deliver some exciting battles that haven't been seen on the big screen. Seeing Ripcord eject out of Slingshot just as the latter transforms and takes on Thundercracker is the stuff that kids would imagine in their room as they played with their toys, and now there's a chance it could be made real.
On top of that, there's a chance for combiners to return and take on a Cobra battalion while also battling the Decepticons. Superion isn't one of the most beloved Autobots, but he's always been an iconic combiner, and to have him share a space with the Joes would only boost the bot's popularity to such massive heights. In essence, bringing the Aerialbots to a larger arena that crosses over with another beloved franchise could skyrocket the team to a new level in a similar way that other Autobots like Sideswipe and Ironhide grew thanks to the movies. Then, fans could pick and choose their favorite members, whether it's Slingshot or Silverbolt.
The Transformers Movies Need More Combiners

When The Transformers: The Movie hit theaters in 1986, audiences saw Devastator rip apart Autobot City in a massive ambush that led to the death of Optimus Prime and many other Autobots. It was a great chance to see just how powerful the massive bot could be. However, it was Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen that showed just how helpful it was to have a combiner on the team. Though he only appeared for a few minutes, the spectacle of Devastator combining and ripping apart the pyramids was a sight to behold. However, save for an appearance in the Universal Studios theme parks, it was also the last time any combiner appeared on the big screen. Even still, what started as a great appearance has evolved to be the perfect pitch for why more combiners should be in Transformers movies.
Transformers Welcomes G1's Aerialbot Leader in 2025's New 'Age of the Primes' Series
Transformers: Age of the Primes is adding new versions of the G1 Aerialbots, including their mighty leader Silverbolt, in the upcoming 2025 toy line.
As audiences get more desensitized to seeing cars and planes transform into giant robots, and back again, the need to step things up is important. By seeing an accurate G1 Superion and the Aerialbots that make him up take to the skies, fans may see the spark of excitement ignite again in a big way. Fans haven't seen many flying Autobots, let alone ones that work so in sync, and seeing them call maneuvers while in a dogfight would be the perfect mix of Top Gun and Star Wars in a Transformers movie. But combined with the G.I. Joes, it could lead to a team created with the Joes in mind, scanning their planes before taking them to battle and forming bonds with members like Snake Eyes and Scarlett. It's safe to say that the Transformers movies have made a name for themselves thanks to the movie, and while audiences have seen the characters from the G1 era and the Beast Wars era come to life, combiners have always been lacking. As the franchise continues to wane, the Joes are a great start, but seeing more combiners would be an even better step in the right direction.

Transformersis a mediafranchiseproduced by American toy company Hasbro and Japanese toy company Takara Tomy. It primarily follows the heroic Autobots and the villainous Decepticons, two alien robot factions at war that can transform into other forms, such as vehicles and animals.
- First Film
- Transformers
- Latest Film
- Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
- First TV Show
- The Transformers
- Latest TV Show
- Transformers: EarthSpark
- Cast
- Peter Cullen, Wil Wheaton, Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Luna Lauren Velez, Dominique Fishback